• St Columba’s News
    St Columba’s News
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For Sunday 24th December 2023, Fourth Sunday of Advent


Photos illustrate preparations made for the recent Carols by Candlelight


This is the last newsletter for 2023, so covers the conclusion of Advent, the celebration of Christmas and gets us to Hogmanay. Rather than attempt a lengthy coverage of those things – let me pick one simple theme. Gratitude. Gratitude - for all that has been contributed to the life of the congregation in the last twelve months. Gratitude, for our permanent staff who maintain the day to day running of a very busy office and complex building. Gratitude, for our Session Clerk and her elders for the meeting of the many responsibilities that modern-day trustees hold towards congregation and all who utilise our buildings. Gratitude, for church members and volunteers who undertake so many different tasks that sustain and support the life and feel of our community. Gratitude, for our musicians, who so enhance our worship throughout the year. One could go on, but you get the idea!

Perhaps part of our conclusion to Advent, celebration of Christmas and embrace of Hogmanay, might be simply to take a moment, then consider and express, what we are grateful for, as 2023 draws to a close. And, if it is helpful, borrow words of prayer to assist that meditation: (from the Church of Scotland’s, Common Order)

Lord our God,
source and giver of all good things,
we thank you for all your mercies
and for your loving care over all creation.

We bless you for the gift of life:
for your protection around us,
your guiding hand upon us,
your steadfast love within us.
We thank you for friendship and duty,
for good hopes and precious memories,
for joys that cheer us
and trials that teach us to trust in you.

Most of all, we thank you
for the saving knowledge of your Son our Saviour,
for the living presence of your Spirit, the comforter,
for the Church, the body of Christ,
for the ministry of word and sacrament
and all the means of grace.

In all these things,
make us wise in the right use of your blessings,
that we may render an acceptable thanksgiving
all the days of our life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Advent and Christmas at St Columba’s

Sunday 24th December

11am Morning Service
2pm Family Christingle Service at Crown Court*
11.15pm Watchnight Service with Communion

Christmas Day 25th December
10.30am Morning Service for Christmas Day & Short Holy Communion (London Scottish Chapel)

Sunday 31st December
11.00am Morning Service

Sunday 7th January
11.00am Morning Service
5.00pm Evening Service for Epiphany (London Scottish Chapel)

*For those interested, all are welcome to attend the Crown Court Christmas Eve Family Christingle Service (Russell St, London WC2B 5EZ) at 2pm on the 24th December 2023.

All services over Christmas at St Columba’s are live-streamed, except Watchnight Service (11.15pm, Christmas Eve) and Evening Service for Epiphany (5pm, 7th January 2024.) www.stcolumbas.org.uk/live-stream

Live Streaming of Worship

Services can be watched via the church website, https://www.stcolumbas.org.uk/live-stream 

To access the live stream from the homepage (front page) click the Menu button in the top right-hand side of the page and scroll down and click on “Live Stream”. This will bring up the live stream to the church. The act of worship of approximately 60 minutes, includes include prayers, a sermon and music. The words for the hymns and readings will be on the website.

For those without internet, the Dial-In facility continues. Many people comment that they do have a sense of worshipping together, even if invisible to each other.

Reminder: If you do not wish to appear on the live-stream please choose a seat in the rear half of the sanctuary.  

Please note that the Evening Services on the 1st of the month are not live streamed as they are held in the London Scottish Chapel.

Dial into Sunday Service

If you are aware of church members or friends who do not have access to internet please inform them that they can now phone in to join the Sunday service. No visuals clearly, but at least they can hear the service. Those interested should follow: 

Step 1: At 10.40am call phone number 0203 051 2874. 
Step 2: You will be prompted to enter a meeting ID. Please type (using your telephone keypad) 266 883 5072#
Step 3: You will then be asked for a participant number - simply press the #.
Step 4: Enjoy the service! You will hear the organ music from 10.50am.

Hymns, Music & Readings for Morning Worship, 4th Sunday of Advent 11am

Hymn 285 The angel Gabriel from heaven came (Gabriel’s Message)
Hymn 286 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Woodlands)
Hymn 291 When out of poverty is born (Kingsfold)
Hymn 310 See him lying on a bed of straw (Calypso Carol)

Anthem: Sussex carol, Willcocks
Musical Interlude: O magnum mysterium, Victoria

Gospel Readings: Luke 1:26-38 & Luke 1:39-56

Congregational Offerings

Details on the many ways you can support St Columba’s can be found here https://www.stcolumbas.org.uk/giving/supporting-st-columbas

Would anyone wishing to contribute to St Andrew's, Newcastle please contact the Session Clerk on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for bank details or other means of donating.

THIS SUNDAY: Quiet Prayer for Advent

For the four Sundays of Advent (3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th December) there is the opportunity to join with others for a time of quiet collective prayer. Led by the minister, the time (10.15 -10.30am) offers an intentional moment to contemplate scripture and poetry, appropriate to the Advent season. All are very welcome in the Kirk Session Room.

THIS WEEK: Advent Appeal 2023 (for Glass Door) Sox and Boxers + www.glassdoor.org.uk

Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute to this year’s Advent Appeal. Thanks to your generosity guests at the Night Shelter, hosted at St Columba’s on Christmas Eve will all receive a gift, wrapped and presented by the Mission Committee. For anyone who missed the deadline but would still like to contribute, items collected will go to replenish the GlassDoor stores into the new Year. Suggested donations: small pocket size puzzle books (sudoku, crossword etc), pens, reusable water bottles, reusable coffee cups, in addition to our usual request for: boxer shorts, ladies' pants (all sizes), ladies' sanitary products, thermal hats, thermal socks (for both men and women), thermal tights, thermal gloves (or very thick ones).  Collection point for donations via the Office or on Sunday via the Upper Vestibule by the Advent Display Board. Mission Committee.

Financial Donations (Advent Appeal) www.scotscare.com

As an alternative, you may wish to consider making a financial donation to ScotsCare for their ongoing work. Details for online payments and text donations, please click on this link (or access via the charity's website). https://scotscare.com/how-to-donate/ Cheques payable to: ScotsCare. Post to ScotsCare, Ground Floor, 22 City Road, London, EC1Y 2AJ.

THIS SUNDAY: Parking Restrictions in December

During all Sundays in December there is NO PARKING in residents’ parking bays. On Sundays parking is permitted on single yellow lines and in Pay & Display bays (free).

Burns Supper 2024


The Burns Supper will be held on Saturday 27th January 2024. Tickets are on sale after the service, or you can also contact the Church office.



Come and test your general knowledge at the St Columba’s 17th Annual Quiz.  Saturday, 10th February 6.30 pm for 7 pm start. Tickets £6 per person will be on sale in mid-January;  but meanwhile please send intimation of interest or queries to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You could join The Choir, Tennis Club, The Magnificent Seven, Reeling Together and The Lanark Collective, who are all immortalised on the Quiz shields in the Lower Hall.

Office Hours

The church office is open from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. 

Contact details; Tel: 020 7584 2321
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.stcolumbas.org.uk
Facebook: @stcolumbas churchpontstreet. 
Twitter: @LondonKirk 
Pastoral Emergency Number (out of office hours): 07591926271

Opening Hours

The office is open from
9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m,
Monday to Friday.

There is a 24-hour answering machine service.

Connect with us

Find us

St Columba’s is located on Pont Street in Knightsbridge in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The Church is within easy reach of three London Underground stations – Knightsbridge (Piccadilly Line), South Kensington (Piccadilly, Circle and District Lines) and Sloane Square (Circle and District Lines).

St. Columba's
Pont Street
London SW1X 0BD
+44 (0)20-7584-2321

Getting here by tube

Knightsbridge Station

Take the Harrods exit if open (front car if coming from the East, rear car if coming from the West). Come up the stairs to street level, carry on keeping Harrods on your right. Turn right into Basil Street. Carry straight on into Walton Place with St Saviour’s Church on your left. At the traffic lights, St Columba’s is to your left across the street. If the Harrods exit is closed, take the Sloane Street exit, turn right into Basil Street. Carry straight on past Harrods with the shop on your right, into Walton Place as before.

South Kensington Station

Come up the stairs out of the station and turn left into the shopping arcade. Turn left again into Pelham Street. At the traffic lights at the end of Pelham Street cross Brompton Road, turn left then immediately right into the narrow street of Draycott Avenue. After just a few yards turn left into Walton Street. Carry on walking up Walton Street until the traffic lights at the corner of Pont Street. Turn right and after a few steps you will be at St Columba’s!

Sloane Square Station

Cross over the square into Sloane Street. Walk along Sloane Street until the traffic lights at the corner of Pont Street. Turn left into Pont Street. St Columba’s will then be in sight.

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