Lent and Easter 2024
The days of Lent are set aside as pilgrimage and preparation for our eventual embrace and celebration of Easter. They echo Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness. You might consider Lent as a “treasure hunt,” digging more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s life, death and resurrection; perhaps a time to reassess and reorder what is important. Travelling from Ash Wednesday to Easter and beyond, we hope the resources offered here – poems, psalms and prayers will encourage and enrich your journey towards Easter this year.
Lent Appeal 2024 – Firefly International, Our chosen charity for the Lent Appeal this year is Firefly International, a small Scottish registered charity that provides help overseas for children affected by war.
Holy Week Services
Thursday 28th March, 8p.m.
Maundy Thursday Holy Communion
Friday 29th March, 11a.m.
Service of Readings & Music for Good Friday
Sunday 31st March, 11a.m.
Easter Morning Holy Communion
St Andrew’s Book Festival
25th November to 1st December 2024, St Columba’s & other venues.
The box office is now open for the inaugural St Andrew’s Book Festival in London (25th of November - 1st of December 2024). Seven days celebrating all things literary, featuring a star-studded line up of authors, riveting discussions, and exclusive book signings. Whether you're an avid reader or a budding writer, this festival is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of books and creativity.
Check out the website for a full author A to Z listing and book tickets from here: https://www.standrewsbookfestival.org/
You can read their latest newsletter on here.
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