Lent and Easter 2021
Days of Lent are set aside as pilgrimage and preparation for the eventual embrace and celebration of Easter. They echo Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness. For people of faith Lent is the opportunity to enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s life, death and resurrection; a time to reassess what is important. Jesus’ hard road to the Cross is offered as reminder, strength, and encouragement, for the hard roads which we, or our loved ones, may also be required to travel. New or old at St Columba’s, however hard you find your current road, please find a way to join the journey. And may this Lent become a time of precious discovery and blessing.
Ways to travel:
Keeping the Faith: London Chaplains in the time of Covid
At times of great uncertainty many people turn to faith leaders for support. Over the last twelve months it’s been more difficult than ever for ministers to offer pastoral and spiritual care to their congregations and communities.
In a series of portraits and interviews, photographer Louise Haywood-Schiefer introduces some of the Christian chaplains who have supported Londoners through the pandemic whilst navigating new technologies, government restrictions and maintaining their own well-being.
In collaboration with Holy Week at St Columba’s Church of Scotland, Pont Street, London , verses from the psalms are offered each day for the journey to Easter.
Lent Appeal
Colston Milton Film Meditations
Weekly Scripture, Prayer & Music For Lent
Sunday Morning Worship
Holy Week Services
Thursday 1st April, 8p.m. Maundy Thursday Holy Communion
Friday 2nd April, 11a.m. Service of Readings & Music for Good Friday
Sunday 4th April, 11a.m. Easter Morning Holy Communion
Prayer for the Journey to Easter
God of all seasons,
in your pattern of things
there is a time for keeping,
and a time for losing,
a time for building up,
and a time for pulling down.
In this holy season of Lent,
as we journey with our Lord to the cross,
help us to discern in our lives,
what we must lay down
and what we must take up;
what we must end,
and what we must begin.
Give us grace to lead a disciplined life,
in glad obedience
and with the joy
which comes from a closer walk with Christ. Amen.
(from Common Worship)