About Jock & Introduction to Psalms for Lent
Rev Dr Jock Stein is a poet, piper and preacher from Haddington in Scotland. He has degrees from Cambridge, Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities, and brings experience of the Sheffield steel industry, people and places in East Africa, and the life of modern Scotland to his poetry, which began seriously after he reached the age of 70. He has been a parish minister, and also with his wife Margaret was warden of Carberry Tower, then a 90-bed conference centre. In his spare time, he manages the Handsel Press, a small publishing house started in 1975, and a large garden. He currently chairs Tyne and Esk Writers and is Interim Moderator at Aberlady and Gullane Parish Church.
Jock is the author of Commentary (poems on economics and politics), Swift (poems on travel and hills and gardens), and two books of poetry and conversation about the Bible – From Cosmos to Canaan (Genesis to Joshua) and From Ruth to Lamentations. His latest book is Temple and Tartan: Psalms, Poetry and Scotland (www.handselpress.co.uk)
Jock writes: “The lectionary includes a psalm for every Sunday, and over the season of Lent we are going to look at these. Recently I wrote poetry on all the Old Testament Psalms, and I will be using some of these poems, along with new ones written specially for this series. Psalm 2 is the one set for Sunday 19th, but I have included Psalm 1 on this occasion, since these two psalms introduce the rest of the Hebrew Psalter. Eugene Peterson called them ‘a binocular introduction to the life of prayer’, and I recommend his book on a selection of psalms, Where Your Treasure Is. Scriptures cited are from the NRSV.”